onsdag, juli 29, 2009

Photos from the past 1

Nathalie and Maria, Projectmakers 2009

Dear all,

Since I recently found a lot of nice photos in my computer I will share it with you, every now and then.

Please, feel free to make comments.

Enjoy! /Jack

Posted by Picasa

söndag, juli 26, 2009


Krokodilsoppa, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Its a good soup. :)

Krokodilsoppa (broccolisoppa)


Posted by yogastudion Tue, March 04, 2008 21:25:24

2 l vatten
2 st grönsaksbuljongtärningar
2 st broccolibuketter
3 dl matlagningsgrädde
3 msk creme fraiche
4 msk vetemjöl
4 msk rapsolja
en skvätt pressad citron
250 gram kokt pasta

Gör så här:
Skär broccolin i mindre bitar
Koka upp vattnet och buljongen
Låt broccolibitarna koka med buljongen och vattnet i ca 7 min innan du tillsätter övriga ingredienser.
Tillsätt matlagningsgrädden och creme fraichen, vispa.
Red av med oljan och mjölen (som du blandat slät), vispa.
Låt småkoka på svag värme en liten stund och smaka av med salt och peppar och en skvätt pressad citron.
Mixa soppan slät med en stavmixer direkt i kastrullen, smaka av.
Lägg i den kokta pastan på botten av sopptallriken och slå i soppan,njut!

Receptet kommer från Maria Eriksson, vars barn älskar både krokodilsoppa, dinosauriesoppa och solskenssoppa.


Blurry tabasco soup, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Blurry tabasco soup :-)

torsdag, juli 23, 2009

Estonia was cleaned up from illegal waste. 50 000 volunteers cleaned up more than 10 000 tons of illegal garbage in ONE day!!!

Campaign "Let's Do It!" - a grassroot initiative to clean up the country from illegal waste in just one day. There was over 10 000 tons of illegal waste lying around all over Estonia and it was an outrageous plan -- to clean it all up on one day! More than 600 volunteers were working to make it all happen with only 3 full-time employees. On May 3, 2008 with help of 50 000 volunteers more than 10 000 tons of garbage gathered and Estonia was cleaned up from illegal waste. http://www.teeme2008.ee
Next project is: look www.minueesti.ee

fredag, juli 10, 2009

Ett glatt Göteborg - 10 000 leenden på 10 dagar

Nu kommer Take A Breath till Sverige och Göteborg!

På midsommaraftonen arrangerade the Art of Living Foundation Take A Breath DC och Smile DC - for a violence-free and stress-free America. I kampanjen det samlades in tusentals leenden, 200 personer personer deltog i workshopen YES!+ som står för Yoga, Empowerment & Service och det gjordes en meditation för världsfred utanför Vita Huset i Washington DC.

Nu tar Art of Living Sverige vid med kampanjen "Ett glatt Göteborg". 10 000 leenden fotograferas på 10 dagar med start på Götaplatsen måndagen den 13 juli kl 13.00. Den 23 till 28 juli arrangeras YES!+ workshopen i Nordengården på Stockholmsgatan 16. Gratis introduktion med mat på söndag 19 juli kl 17.00. Anmälan på: http://www.artofliving.se/yesplus

Smile DC from Ben Henretig on Vimeo.

Teaching D.C. How to Take A Breather

By Rachel Saslow
Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

About 200 people are sitting on yoga mats in a Washington hotel ballroom trying to learn how to do something they already do about 21,600 times a day: breathe.

This "automatic breathing" they've been doing all their lives? No good. So they're learning to breathe deeply from their diaphragms and hoping that benefits -- such as stress reduction, better sleep and increased mental focus -- will follow.

"If you're angry and you want to be calm, what do you do? Breathe how?" asks senior teacher Rajshree Patel from a stage at the front of the room, a white orchid at her side. "The breath of rest and relaxation. And you will see the mind will shift. If you switch the rhythm of breath, it will switch the emotion."

"Take a Breath DC" ran from Wednesday to Saturday and culminated in a group meditation for about 600 in Lafayette Park. The course was organized by the Art of Living Foundation, a nonprofit group that has its national headquarters on 15th Street NW. The cornerstone of Art of Living is a rhythmic breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya. About 30 years ago, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (not the sitarist who knew the Beatles; different guy) discovered that this type of breathing, combined with yoga and meditation, can bring inner peace; he and his followers have taught the art of better breathing to millions since then.

The D.C. students paid $250 for the course, which ran for 22 hours over four days. (Art of Living also teaches prisoners, high-schoolers and natural-disaster survivors how to breathe, for either a reduced rate or for free.) The organization will host two more breathing courses in the District this month: One starts today, the other on Friday.

The students must agree to these rules:

1. Be on time.

2. Finish the course.

3. Eat a vegetarian diet. (One muscular young man seems concerned he won't get enough protein. "I'll let you eat eggs," Patel says. "Because they're not chickens yet.")

4. No alcohol. ("You're going to do a lot of cleansing of the system, and you'll find that if you've had alcohol the night before -- or the morning or the afternoon -- what happens is, in the evening, the first thing you'll cleanse is the alcohol, and I'd like to go to deeper layers of cleansing with you.")

5. Refrain from tobacco.

6. No recreational drugs.

Students get extra credit for avoiding caffeine.

Vincent Ko, a Georgetown University student, heard about the course when a young woman from the Art of Living chatted him up at the Iceberry frozen yogurt shop on M Street NW. His "party animal" friends, he said, were skeptical of all the yoga and meditation talk, but Ko was intrigued.

"I'm at that point where I'm going to be a senior, and I'm really stressed out about what I'm going to do for the rest of my life," Ko says. "I'm trying to start this business, I want to be an entrepreneur, but then, like, should I do an investment banker type of deal? So I'm just freaking out. . . . I'm at a crossroads."

During the first session, Patel leads the participants in a variety of games and exercises that all end with a life lesson. For example, Patel tells a math riddle about a shop owner and a counterfeit $100 bill. The students must try to solve it themselves, then break into groups of two, then four, then eight to come to a consensus on the answer.

She makes an example of a group that cannot agree on a solution.

"You are so convinced that you are right, that instead of listening, you're giving an argument in your head long before you speak," she says. "Then we wonder why relationships don't work."

"I've been married three times; don't ask me!" quips one man.

During a break for granola, fruit and energy bars, Ko gives a "so-so" verdict on the seminar so far: "They've been talking a lot about the past, and it's mostly about the future for me."

After the break, the students learn the first breathing technique aimed at bringing the mind into the present moment: "ujjayi," sometimes called "ocean breath" because it makes the sound of the sea. The 14 Art of Living instructors and 46 teachers-in-training (most whom wear flowing white pants) scatter throughout the room and show the students how to breathe in and out through their noses while constricting the backs of their throats. When everyone has it down, Patel instructs them to sit cross-legged, close their eyes and practice ujjayi breath. After a few minutes, participants say they feel peaceful and relaxed.

One even says, "The colors are brighter."

By the end of the four days, Ko is a believer: He plans to meditate 30 minutes a day and take refresher classes at the Art of Living headquarters on Wednesday evenings.

"It was really powerful," Ko says of the course. "While we were doing meditation, I could visualize all my stress, and it stopped bothering me."

Comments: saslowr@washpost.com.

torsdag, juli 09, 2009

Du vill så du kan!

Vad gör du för att må bra? from Drugsmart on Vimeo.

Skårdalsvägen, Bohus

Skårdalsvägen, Bohus, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.


onsdag, juli 01, 2009

Take A Breath DC at WUSA9

WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- Stopping what you're doing for one moment each day can make the difference in curbing stress, turmoil and even violence.

An international organization called Art of Living says meditation and yoga is a great way to find some peace and live better.

Their message is simple, in order to lessen the amount of stress we face each day, everyone should give breathing exercises and meditation practices like yoga a try.

Art of Living has spread their recipe for finding peace around the world, from Iraq to Russia to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit.

Their latest campaign is called, "Take a Breath DC."

Art of Living Program Director, Rajshree Patel says the way we deal with the turmoil in our lives will impact all are other reactions.

Patel explains, "If you look at the state of the economy, the wars, the violence, everybody is under stress. If we don't address the route cause of stress in the individual it shows up in the family and it shows up in the community."

The Art of Living Foundation's Take a Breath DC campaign offers empowerment programs year round for young people wishing to gain confidence, focus and give back to their local communities and abroad.

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