Translation: living my dream (Thomas). I have a dream – and I live that dream and that is a great feeling. I have a dream to create opportunities for genuine meetings between people, to give people the opportunity to participate and be able to contribute to a “better world”. That may for example be regarding having a better time in a workplace or serve ones customers or clients in a better way.
During the 10 years that I’ve developed this work I have so many times seen so many people get empowered. As an example I’d like to share a story from last years when I worked with a very large group. My sponsor called me just a day or so before a large conference quite disturbed or scared as a couple of people had registered for the conference who usually created a mess wherever they were.
I calmed my sponsor down and said that this meeting format, which also is facilitated in a circle, usually makes people act in different ways compared to how they act when they are “squeezed” – which is what happens in many other situations. This time these two persons stayed longest the first days - they helped to tidy things up after the whole day of work. They were also those who worked hardest at the computer station writing their reports, as they were not so used to using a PC.
They also stayed the whole two days, some had to leave a bit early, but they stayed on. In the closing circle one of them shared that this was the first meeting he/she had ever been to where people did not fall asleep. They shared other important and powerful words. My sponsor and others who had met these people under other circumstances were quite shocked. This is almost magic one of my sponsors said.
When these persons were shown respect and could contribute on equal terms they were highly appreciated by others. This is just one example, I’ve noticed many many similar situations during these years – so I am living my dream…
Historien om "Listeners & Speakers Corner" på Ullevi och Scandinvium etc
I mitten av 90-talet väcktes en stark vilja i mig att göra en positiv mediavärld.
På hösten 1997 deltog jag i en samtalscirkel. I en samtalscirkel ges alla lika utrymme att uttrycka det hon/han vill, utan att bli avbruten och kommenterad. Idén kom då att göra samtalscirkeln som positiv media.
Se Indiansamtal från en äng i Göteborg:
I december 2000 producerade och sände vi det första pilotavsnittet av Indiansamtal i SVT. (En månad tidigare upptäckte jag the Art of Living - "Konsten att leva nu!" för första gången, på café Chutney på Söder i Stockholm.)
Vintern 2003 kom idén upp i mig att sätta fokus på Indiansamtalen genom de största arenorna.
Jag startade då webbsajten inför ett event med Indiansamtal i Scandinavium den 2 juni 2004. Jag ville uttrycka ödmjukhet och kalla eventet något bra och passande. För mig innebar ödmjukhet då att i och med att jag inte visste något om framtiden, dvs det som skulle komma efter det som var just då, så var allt möjligt, just då, dvs "ALLT ÄR MÖJLIGT NU!".
1995 Positiv mediavärld 1997 Samtalscirkel 2000 The Art of Living 2000 Indiansamtal i SVT
2004 Indiansamtal i Scandinavium -
2005 Indiansamtal på Ullevi 6 juni -
2006 Indiansamtal Volviahallen 6 juni
2007 Indiansamtal i P4 direkt från Skansen 6 juni Talking Stick Festival, Trädgårdsföreningen, Göteborg's purpose is to provide A Live Story Experience, encouraging open-mindedness, and to convey the simple and powerful truth that anything is possible right now!
Enter your email here to receive the latest amazing and grateful news from Jack Johansson.
Translation: living my dream (Thomas). I have a dream – and I live that dream and that is a great feeling.
SvaraRaderaI have a dream to create opportunities for genuine meetings between people, to give people the opportunity to participate and be able to contribute to a “better world”. That may for example be regarding having a better time in a workplace or serve ones customers or clients in a better way.
During the 10 years that I’ve developed this work I have so many times seen so many people get empowered. As an example I’d like to share a story from last years when I worked with a very large group. My sponsor called me just a day or so before a large conference quite disturbed or scared as a couple of people had registered for the conference who usually created a mess wherever they were.
I calmed my sponsor down and said that this meeting format, which also is facilitated in a circle, usually makes people act in different ways compared to how they act when they are “squeezed” – which is what happens in many other situations. This time these two persons stayed longest the first days - they helped to tidy things up after the whole day of work. They were also those who worked hardest at the computer station writing their reports, as they were not so used to using a PC.
They also stayed the whole two days, some had to leave a bit early, but they stayed on. In the closing circle one of them shared that this was the first meeting he/she had ever been to where people did not fall asleep. They shared other important and powerful words. My sponsor and others who had met these people under other circumstances were quite shocked. This is almost magic one of my sponsors said.
When these persons were shown respect and could contribute on equal terms they were highly appreciated by others. This is just one example, I’ve noticed many many similar situations during these years – so I am living my dream…